How long does a domestic violence charge stay on your record in colorado?

But any domestic violence-related case that is dismissed can be closed immediately. This includes both municipal and non-municipal cases.

How long does a domestic violence charge stay on your record in colorado?

But any domestic violence-related case that is dismissed can be closed immediately. This includes both municipal and non-municipal cases. First, invoke your right to remain silent. Do not admit guilt or submit to police questioning until a lawyer is present.

If you've been arrested on a domestic violence charge but haven't been charged with a crime, it's important to talk to a Denver domestic violence lawyer about how to seal your criminal record. The State of Colorado dictates that anyone who has been charged and convicted of domestic violence cannot have their criminal records sealed. However, a qualified legal team can help you seal your record. Jeff expertly intervened to prevent the matter from becoming more complex, including speaking with a Denver police officer who seemed to intend to impose the harshest possible charges.

If you are facing domestic violence charges in Colorado, call Wolf Law at 720-479-8574 for a free, no-obligation consultation. Any statement other than “not guilty” can result in penalties and a standing charge of domestic violence in your public records. Since domestic disputes often occur on Friday nights, this usually means a weekend in jail and almost always at least one night. Federal law prohibits anyone convicted of a misdemeanor or felony domestic violence crime from legally possessing firearms.

On this page, Denver criminal defense attorneys at Wolf Law answer some of the most commonly asked questions about domestic violence charges in Colorado. When a person has a domestic violence arrest on their criminal record, this can have a negative effect when it comes to opportunities and other life issues. For example, breaking your boyfriend's phone to teach him a lesson can be defined as domestic violence. Colorado domestic violence laws also affect how police react to calls when they have probable cause to believe that violence is occurring or has taken place.

If they have three or more previous convictions for crimes in which domestic violence was a factor, then they may face increased penalties as a result. Colorado developed an expedited procedure for domestic violence cases to ensure the safety of victims and help alleged offenders get the help they need as soon as possible. A domestic or intimate relationship can apply to spouses, ex-spouses, domestic partners, children, boyfriends, girlfriends, and roommates. The police complete their report the same day a domestic violence arrest is made, and the defendant, when in court for their first hearing, will file their initial statement.

The best thing to do if you find yourself charged with a crime that involves domestic violence as an aggravating factor is to make sure you have an experienced lawyer on your side. As noted below, Colorado expedites domestic violence cases, which means there is limited time to file a guilty plea and gather evidence to support your case. If you are an immigrant or are in the United States with a visa, once convicted of domestic violence, you can be deported.

Byron Hittle
Byron Hittle

Proud bacon specialist. Proud bacon practitioner. Proud social media junkie. Certified thinker. Hardcore internet ninja.